Katy Perry arriving on a flight at LAX airport. Katy was picked up by her waiting husband Russell Brand, who greeted her with hugs and kisses. Los Angeles, CA. - November 9, 2011
AMERICAN IDOL – “717 (Disney Night)” – MAY 12, 2024.Disney Night is back with more magic from Walt Disney World® – The Most Magical Place On Earth! The Top 5 each performs two beloved favorites from t
AMERICAN IDOL - "715 (Judge's Song Contest)" - APRIL 29, 2024.The Top 8 perform one of three songs secretly selected by Luke, Katy and Lionel, who are each competing for most songs chosen. America vot
Russell Brand and Katy Perry at LAX Airport preparing to catch a flight. Los Angeles, CA - September 17th, 2010.拉塞尔·布兰德和凯蒂·佩芮在洛杉矶国际机场准备搭乘航班,加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。 - 2010年9月17日。
空降全美单曲榜冠军还不够,凯蒂佩芮Katy Perry新曲〈Part Of Me〉跨越大西洋,再次在本週的全英单曲金榜上演空降冠军!根据最新揭晓的全英金榜,凯蒂佩芮最新单曲〈Part Of Me〉不但以12000张的张数,大幅领先本週同为新进单曲、进佔亚军的Sean Paul〈She Doesn't Mind...