视频Katy Perry谈论《143》:从冥想到母爱等一切话题| On Air with Ryan Seacrest Katy Perry Talks '143': Everything From Meditation to Motherhood & More
图片美国偶像 American Idol - S07E12 AMERICAN IDOL – 712 (Rock & Roll Hall of Fame)” – APRIL 21, 2024Performing live from Hollywood in front of judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie, the Top 14 take on songs from Rock & Roll Ha
视频《美国偶像》为 Katy Perry 办“凯蒂凯年华”庆祝生日 《美国偶像》 Ryan Seacrest, Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie为 Katy Perry 办“凯蒂 凯年华”庆祝生日 节目录制于2023年10月
视频美偶三宝潜入“早安美国”节目演播厅,打断Ryan Seacrest的专访 | Good Morning America Ryan Seacrest接受 GOOD MORNING AMERICA(早安美国) 专访,突然被闯入来的美偶三宝打断!